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Kirtan is a beautiful practice originating from India and forms part of Bhakti yoga, the devotional aspect of yoga.  "Chanting is the yoga of sound" (Nikki Slade).

Kirtan means 'to sing the name'.  We come together to chant with melody in order to connect to the highest aspect of ourselves and each other.  It is a heart led meditation practice with mantra (a word or short phrase which helps us to focus).  I lead in the style of 'call and response', so you do not need to learn or remember anything, simply follow along.

It is open to all backgrounds and traditions, singers and non-singers alike.  All are welcome!  Just bring an open heart and intention to connect back to yourself.

I have been fortunate to have studied with Nikki Slade, a highly respected and experienced leader of Kirtan and am grateful for her teachings.

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